Free Download! Robin Rothenberg: Breathing for Health – Pranayama and the Buteyko Breathing Method


While working in a critical care unit, Russian physician Dr. Konstantin Buteyko started to notice a pattern. The people who were breathing the most heavily, quickly and erratically required much more medication and often died sooner. And the people who, in spite of their illness, had more of a quiet and steady breath seemed to fare better and live longer. So he started asking the question: Is the disease driving the breath or is the breath driving the disease?

This question led to the development of the Buteyko method of breathing, a form of breathing that practitioners of the method believe can affect a wide range of diseases and symptoms from asthma to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and chronic inflammatory issues like IBS, headaches and chronic fatigue.

In this free download, internationally respected yoga therapist Robin Rothenberg examines the Buteyko method and how it relates to Pranayama and yogic breathing exercises. Robin explores how the science and methodology Buteyko built around his research relates to ancient yogic principles, on and off the mat.

Robin shares her own experiences of recovering from asthma using the Buteyko approach, and explains how, by deliberately working with the breath, we can have a tremendous impact on stress levels, health, and well-being in a profound and lasting way.

Also check out Robin’s course on The Healing Power of Breath – Essential Techniques for Healthy Living.

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Robin Rothenberg, C-IAYT is director of Essential Yoga Therapy, an IAYT Accredited Therapist Training located near Seattle. Robin has a unique background which combines the Iyengar and Viniyoga therapeutic yoga traditions.

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