How to Get Effective Stress Relief on your Yoga Mat: Stretching vs. Restorative Yoga

A while back I wrote a blog about the powerful benefits of Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose). This yoga pose has helped so many people I know learn to relax and deal with insomnia, stress and adrenal exhaustion. It’s a great

The Trait That Motivates Us to Help Others (Hint: You Develop It in Yoga)

Researchers have found that it's not distress at another's circumstance, but rather compassion--a trait we can develop through in our practice of yoga--that gives us the ability to make meaningful contributions to the lives of others.  In 2007, 50-year-old Wesley

​Is it Safe to Begin Your Yoga Practice with Seated Poses?

Once, when I was on vacation, I did my first SUP yoga session (yoga on a Stand Up Paddle board). Practicing yoga to the gentle rhythm of the ocean waves was divine, but the way the asana practice was structured

Celebrate National Yoga Month! Join 20+ Leading Yoga Teachers Free Online

With summer winding down, it’s time to get back to your yoga mat! September is National Yoga Month, and we here at couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate it than by offering a free online event: “Yoga

Help from Your Hyoid: Safe Alignment in Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

What's an eight-syllable sanskrit name that, when spoken by a yoga teacher, elicits fear (or at least, a groan) in roughly half the population that practices yoga? The same phrase that evokes a feeling of invincible awesomeness in many others.

​Yoga for Sinus Relief: 7 Things to Try

I'd never really had sinus or allergy issues until moving to Memphis – the number one city in the country for allergies. Yeah Memphis! When the cotton pops in September is usually my worst time, but year round I'm often

The Second Yama: Satya – Truthfulness

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali delineated the eight limbs of yoga. These precepts are intended as guidelines to living a life with meaning and purpose. They may be seen as a kind of map for seekers of greater happiness and spiritual

Yoga for School Readiness: Building Socio-Emotional Skills in Preschool

It’s generally well-known—bemoaned by some, praised by others—that early childhood educators are introducing increasingly academic atmospheres and expectations in preschool classrooms.  When toddlers and preschool youngsters used to spend their days in those settings in free play, now—earlier and earlier—they

Creating Central Stability - The Role of the Pelvic Floor and Deep Core Muscles

“Trust that the body is a self-righting organism. Our job is to guide the process.” Norene Christesen, PT The following interview with Julie Wiebe, PT is excerpted from a longer article first appearing on Q. Tell us a little

The First Yama: Ahimsa – Nonviolence

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali delineated the eight limbs of yoga. These precepts are intended as guidelines to living a life with meaning and purpose. They may be seen as a kind of map for seekers of greater happiness and spiritual

The Wisdom of Humility in Yoga Practice

"A deep sense of humility will help you learn yoga. It is important to remember that no one path or school has a monopoly on the truth. There are excellent and poor practitioners in all schools of yoga. “Gaining maturity in

The Surprising Research on Our Pursuit of Happiness (and 3 Yoga-Based Steps to Enjoy More of It)

While the pursuit of happiness is a founding principle of our country, we're not all equally successful at it. Research indicates more and less effective routes to the goal, and points to a less stressed, yoga-like approach for maximal enjoyment of

Neglecting Your Hip Abductors and Adductors Can Mess Up Your Walk, Sleep and Balance

A recent video of Jean-Claude Van Damme doing a split between two moving trucks made quite a stir and produced a number of copycats trying to do something similar. Mr. Van Damme continues to demonstrate a remarkable strength and flexibly in

Getting Babies to Sleep: Yoga and Ayurvedic Solutions

Many babies are natural born sleepers.  It’s the first thing they do well.  But, environmental and sunlight cues can sometimes make it difficult to get newborns into a sleeping routine. Ayurveda and baby yoga can help. According to Dr. Jose

8 Yogic Tips for Weathering the Rough Times

The Last Straw We often hear yoga teachers encouraging us to release worry and fear with each exhale, and to stay present in the moment. After all, most of the things we worry about never actually come true. No sense
