Yoga to Open Your Shoulders

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) is a staple in my morning yoga classes. Years ago, several of my students made up unflattering names for it—Cow Pie, Mad Cow, etc.—because it was so challenging for them. Now those same Cow Face naysayers have

Preventing Falls: 5 Beginner Friendly Balance Poses

Balancing becomes harder as we get older. Along with this come the fear of falling and an increased risk for osteoporotic fractures. That is why it is important to incorporate balancing poses into your fitness routine. Balancing poses train your

10 Tips to Restart Yoga Practice

The secret to longevity in yoga practice is a willingness to begin again. If you’re ready to get back on your mat and recommit to a regular rhythm of practice, you’re in good company. Getting disconnected from, and subsequently coming

Escape the Stress Loop

Over the past few weeks, I find myself alternating between the states of calm confidence and barely restrained anxiety that usually comes after watching the news. Should I try to deal with each day as it comes? Should I plan

The Gift of Presence

“When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?” ~Thich Nhat Hanh The only thing worse than not listening to someone is pretending to listen. Giving the vague murmur of

Warrior I Pose: 5 Strengthening Variations

Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I) is an excellent pose for strengthening your whole back body, from the base of your skull all the way to the heel of your back leg. Plus, your front leg gets a different kind of

Gentle Yoga for Long COVID

Is someone close to you experiencing “long COVID”? Are you? You or that person might practice yoga for enhanced wellbeing, and have done so well before COVID arose. As a complementary treatment, might yoga for long COVID be beneficial? Of

Practice Aparigraha for the Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” You’ve probably heard this song more than once in the last few months. Big box stores, grocery stores, local shops, downtown streets—all have been broadcasting holiday music pretty much since the day

Trauma-Informed Yoga: 7 Practical Ways to Begin

“Trauma-informed yoga is not a treatment. Rather, it is an understanding of trauma, its prevalence, and how to generally accommodate people (in yoga classes) who have experienced some sort of trauma. Trauma-informed yoga offers a lens of support that makes

Healthy Hip Joints: Develop a Skillful Yoga Practice

For decades, my sacroiliac (SI) joint was so completely, chronically out of alignment that at times I literally could not walk. I visited various therapists—a chiropractor, massage therapist, and acupuncturist—for regular treatments. All offered temporary relief, but the pain always

Wrist Pain in Yoga: Here’s How to Alleviate It

Wrist pain in yoga can feel truly debilitating. In modern-style practices, we tend to spend the majority of class time bearing weight in our arms. From ubiquitous poses like Plank Pose (Phalakasana) and Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Sequence Your Yoga Class for Savasana

For many years, the local community put together an annual yoga fundraising event. Teachers from many of the various studios and styles team-taught a class to more than 100 students on a Saturday morning. In one of the later years

Overwhelmed? 2 Steps to Ease

As I came back to work after a month off, I noticed myself feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of work in front of me. I felt a ton of resistance, and stress about how much work had to be done.

Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

When I teach yoga for multiple sclerosis (MS), I bring firsthand knowledge of the disease. I was diagnosed with it in 1988. My illness has progressed slowly over the years with some invisible symptoms like fatigue and heat intolerance, worsening

Chair Yoga to Brighten Your Work Day

Over the past weekend, I felt like the seasons clicked—warm weather is waning and winter is upon us. For many of us, this means going back to our usual routines, which often involve a lot of sitting. To support your
