Ellen Saltonstall
"Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred." ~ Hafiz
Study Yoga Online with Ellen Saltonstall
Yoga for Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Back Health, and Arthritis
Ellen Saltonstall (E-RYT 500, C-IAYT) is a yoga instructor and body therapist based in New York with extensive training in the Iyengar and Anusara methods. She has been a practitioner of yoga and meditation for over 45 years. She teaches Bodymind Ballwork, a method of self-massage using rubber balls which she developed. She co-authored Yoga for Arthritis, 2008, and Yoga for Osteoporosis, 2010 with Dr. Loren Fishman. She has published three other books: Anatomy & Yoga: A Guide for Teachers and Students (Abhyasa Press, 2016), The Bodymind Ballwork Method: A Self-Directed Practice to Help You Move with Ease, Release Tension, Relieve Chronic Pain (North Atlantic Books, 2018) and Empowered Aging: Everyday Yoga Practices for Bone Health, Strength and Balance (Emerald Lake Books, 2024). She offers yoga therapy webinars through YogaUOnline.com, and she teaches nationally and internationally with a specialty in anatomy and therapeutics. She is known for her clarity and depth of knowledge, and her enthusiasm in encouraging students of all levels to find freedom and joy through yoga. Please visit her website at www.ellensaltonstall.com.
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