Timothy McCall MD

"I have come to believe that pranayama constitutes the most powerful and direct technique of affecting the mind that is available to most of us." ~ Dr. Claudia Welch

Study Yoga Online with Timothy McCall MD

Medical Doctor, Yoga Teacher, Author

Timothy McCall, M.D. is a board-certified internist, the medical editor of Yoga Journal and the author of the bestselling Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing (Bantam).  He is one of the co-editors of the just-released medical textbook on yoga therapy, The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care (Handspring Publishing). He teaches Yoga As Medicine Seminars and Teacher Trainings worldwide.

Timothy has traveled extensively, studying with many of the world’s leading yoga teachers and yoga therapists including BKS Iyengar and TKV Desikachar. His primary teachers have been Patricia Walden, Rod Stryker and Donald Moyer. He has practiced yoga and meditation from various traditions for over 20 years and Tantra for more than a decade. Since 2005, he has studied with a traditional Ayurvedic doctor, Chandukutty Vaidyar, and has spent more than a year at his clinic in Kerala, India.

Dr. McCall is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate in psychology from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, where he also attended medical school. After completing his residency in primary care internal medicine, he practiced for more than 10 years in the Boston area before devoting himself full time to writing and research. His main focus since the year 2000 has been investigating the therapeutic aspects of yoga, as well as the scientific explanations of yoga’s effects. He became Yoga Journal’s medical editor in 2002.


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