Lynn Jensen, E-RYT, RPYT, MBA has been teaching yoga since 1997, and practicing yoga for over 30 years. She is dedicated to teaching women to use yoga as a daily tool to support hormonal and general health. In 2002, Lynn founded the Seattle-based Yoga for Fertility program, and since then has helped nearly 2,000 women and couples overcome fertility challenges. Lynn co-authored the book Yoga and Fertility, A Journey to Health and Healing, published by Demos Health of New York, and produced the DVD, Yoga for Fertility, Simple Practices for Fertility Support.
In 2006, Lynn developed and taught the yoga curriculum for a study funded by the National Institute of Health, researching the effects of yoga on hot flashes. Currently, she teaches Yoga for Healthy Hormones and Yoga for Fertility classes and workshops, as well as retreats, teacher trainings and private instruction. She also teaches weekly Yoga for Women classes at Microsoft. Her teaching is based on many years of studying yoga and its effects, with many internationally-known instructors, including Angela Farmer, Rod Stryker, Julie Gudmestad, Claudia Welch, Lauren Walker and Bob Smith, author of Yoga for a New Age. She is also a Level 2 teacher of Energy Medicine Yoga and a QiGong practitioner.