Overcoming Anxiety by Aligning with Your True Self: A Holistic Approach to Lasting Freedom

Anxiety is more than just an unwelcome visitor in our minds. It often reflects how we relate to our thoughts, emotions, and the world around us. Despite our best efforts to manage or eliminate it, anxiety persists. But why? The answer to overcoming anxiety lies in our approach to it and how we navigate our inner world.
To truly overcome anxiety, we need to shift our perspective and learn to live at the level of freedom. In yoga psychology, this means understanding the mind’s fluctuations (known as vrittis) and how they contribute to our inner turmoil. By observing and harnessing these mental patterns, we can begin to disidentify from them, recognizing that they are not who we are. This aligns with the concept of Svadhyaya (self and soul study), which encourages deep introspection and connection with your higher self.
The Root Causes of Persistent Anxiety
Anxiety thrives on our resistance to it. When we struggle against our anxious thoughts, we inadvertently give them more power. This resistance often stems from a desire to control or eliminate discomfort, but in doing so, we create a cycle where anxiety becomes more entrenched.
In my bestselling book, If I’m So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious?, I delve into this very issue. Anxiety often persists because we are disconnected from our true self—the part of us that is never anxious, never fearful, and always at peace. This true self is our soul, our divine essence, which remains untouched by the turbulence of the mind. The more we align with this inner truth, the less power anxiety has over us.
Why Conventional Approaches to Overcoming Anxiety Fail
Traditional methods of dealing with anxiety, such as distraction, avoidance, or positive affirmations, often fall short because they don’t address the root of the issue. These methods may provide temporary relief but fail to offer lasting freedom because they focus on symptoms rather than the underlying causes.
True freedom from anxiety requires a deeper, more holistic approach—one that involves changing the way we lead our lives and interact with our thoughts and feelings. It’s about recognizing that our anxiety is not who we are but rather a signal or messenger telling us that we are out of alignment with our true selves.
Overcoming Anxiety by Embracing Depth Over Symptom Management: A Paradigm Shift
This path is not about acquiring more tools but about deepening our understanding and awareness of our true selves. Embracing this journey involves:
Radical Acceptance
The first step is to shift from resisting anxiety to embracing it as a part of our journey. Radical acceptance is about seeing anxiety not as an enemy but as a messenger inviting us to explore deeper aspects of our being. It’s about acknowledging our experiences without judgment and understanding that our true essence remains untouched by fleeting emotions.
Mindful Awareness
Cultivating a practice of mindful awareness allows us to observe our thoughts and emotions from a place of detachment. This doesn’t mean disengaging from our feelings but rather observing them with compassion and curiosity. Through practices such as meditation, we learn to witness our experiences without being consumed by them, creating a space where true insight can emerge.
Deep Inner Exploration
The journey to understanding our true selves requires us to courageously explore the roots of our anxiety. This exploration goes beyond surface-level symptoms and delves into the core beliefs, past traumas, and unhealed wounds that shape our experience of the world. In this deep inner work, we uncover the unconditioned mind—our unchanging essence beyond the fluctuations of the conditioned mind.
Spiritual Reconnection
At the heart of this journey is the reconnection with our spiritual essence. In my work, If I’m So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious?, I discuss how aligning with our true nature—our soul essence—unveils a state of inherent peace and clarity. This alignment reveals that our unconditioned mind, our true self, is inherently free from anxiety. Living from this place of spiritual alignment allows us to experience life with a profound sense of calm and presence.
By shifting our focus from managing symptoms to exploring the depths of our true selves, we open the door to a life of freedom and authenticity. This paradigm shift invites us to live at the level of freedom where peace is not just a temporary state but our natural way of being.
Breaking the Cycle: Practical Steps
Here are practical steps to start living at the level of freedom and breaking the cycle of persistent anxiety:
- Daily Reflection: Set aside time daily to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself, “What am I resisting?” or “What is this anxiety trying to teach me?”
- Practice Non-Judgment: When anxiety arises, practice observing it without labeling it as bad or wrong. This non-judgmental approach can reduce the intensity of your anxiety.
- Cultivate Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. Understand that anxiety is a signal from your inner self that something needs attention and healing.
- Engage in Soul-Centered Practices: Incorporate practices that connect you with your deeper self, such as meditation, journaling, or yoga. These practices can help you stay grounded and aligned with your true essence.
- Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a teacher or spiritual mentor who can help you navigate your journey to freedom.
Overcoming Anxiety: Embrace Freedom Over Fear
Anxiety may persist, but it doesn’t have to dominate your life. By shifting your approach, reconnecting with your true self, and learning to live at the level of freedom, you can begin to experience a profound transformation. Remember that this journey is not about eliminating anxiety but about changing your relationship with it and reclaiming your power. The path to true freedom lies in recognizing that our essence is one of peace. From this place, we can live a life free from the grip of anxiety.
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Reprinted with permission from www.joystonecoaching.com

Joy Stone is the bestselling author of If I’m So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious? and the founder of the Soul Subscription Membership and Community. She’s a spiritual teacher, mindset mentor, yoga psychologist, and positive psychology practitioner with a purpose to guide women (and men) back home to themselves and to become the hero of their life story.
Joy blends universal principles, positive psychology, and yoga psychology with energetics and science to empower you to stop endlessly working on yourself and instead KNOW who you really are at a soul level — which is the KEY to unlcok everything you’ve been searching for.
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